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Post  Admin Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:36 am

The Zephyr Breeze arrives and weighs anchor at an air ship port facility on the outskirts of Korranberg in Zilargo.

The Approach

The approach to Zilargo is smooth and Ahlissa remarks “Zilargo is regarded by many as a paradise, the most peaceful city in all of Khorvaire. It is a fact that its people have little tolerance for violence or unrest. We do not want to raise our profile while we visit here,” she warns. “Few visitors to Zilargo realise there is a secret police force operating in this city and that it can administer strict justice without impunity or fear or reprisal. We know them as The Trust. They employ many spies and assassins. Their primary concern is any matter that will affect the peace, stablity and security of the nation. Any perceived threat is stamped out.”

“The average citizen of Zilargo is largely unaware of the Trust's activities.”


The arrival of the Zephyr Breeze is noticed by spies who work for Mhorvaeus' network. These agents ensure that the master is informed of the airship's location and await further instructions.

It is also noticed by The Trust who pay close attention to Ahlissa's airship because it is known to associate with a variety of groups, some of which The Trust regards as destablising influences within Khorvaire. They conduct an external analysis of the airship using Divination magic, but detect that not everything has been revealed to them. On this basis the officials post a watch to keep an eye on activities around the Zephyr Breeze.

“Commander,” one of the crew informs. “We have detected powerful divination magic being employed against us. We are being scried and examined by the Zil port authorities.”

Unconcerned, Ahlissa casually remarks “Then lower all primary anti-divination defences. Allow them to see our legal cargo and personnel. Keep the dragonshard and revered representative compartments shielded. Inform all personnel to remain vigilant. If we are boarded for visual inspection, ensure that the illusions are maintained to keep sensitive areas off limits to inspectors.”

“Yes, Commander.”

Ahlissa looks to Aidan and says “The Zephyr Breeze is widely recognised and the Zil – the people of Zilargo – take many precautions to ensure their peace and tranquility is not disrupted. They are aware of some of my afilliations and have taken some interest in who I have associated with. While they think they know me, they do not know everything and that probably troubles them. As you can see, I give them something to satisfy their scrying but do not give them a complete picture. Our time here will be brief. I have some private errands to run and you may go ashore if you wish. As a scholar I imagine the famous library might intrigue you. It is hard to miss as the institution consumes a quarter of this city.”

… Aidan looks surprised. “I'll go and visit the library. I'll see if Jillian wants to go as well.”

Jillian hears Aidan knock on the door politely. She opens it “Oh, hello Aidan. You look like you're going somewhere.”

“I thought I;d visit the library. Do you want to join me?”

“That's very kind of you to offer but I'll stay on board for the time being. I have heard the authorities here scrutinise everyone. Iven my lineage I will remain out of sight. Even though I can conceal my identity I would rather maintain the appearance of a crew member.”

Aidan nods graciously. He dresses as a scholar, in Xanthar's robe and leaves for shore.

Ahlissa sees him going and calls out. “I will see you in a few hours. We depart at dusk.”

The Streets of Zilargo

After leaving the port, Aidan finds himself in a maze-like network of streets and alleyways and one of the first things that strikes him is that the population is very diverse. He sees that gnomes and dwarves are the majority, although there are also many humans, kobolds and other humanoids races here. Everyone seems happy.

[PERCEPTION 20] 27 Aidan recognises the robes, symbols and mannerisms of several humanoids who belong to the Kech Volaar (Word Bearers), keepers of the ancient knowledge and secrets of the ancient Dhakaani Empire amongst the crowd. Members of their group had previously crossed the Blade Desert on a pilgrimage to Zanarkand, where they established a small outpost that raised the ire of Zanarkand's xenophobic mage authorities at the time. Aidan also recalls he had an encounter in Zanarkand's museum/library one night when one of the Kech Volaar kobold sorcerors was attempting to steal an item from a display cabinet.


The cobble-stoned streets are narrow and houses are multi-storeyed with many small proprietry and family-owned shops lining them. Jewellers, alchemy practicTioners, herbalists, researchers, scribes, map makers, jewellers, antique traders, inventors, artificers, etc can be found here.

The crowds are calm and at intervals throughout the city are small quadrangles where colourful street performances are held freely in public. There is a definite buzz in the air. There is no malice. Everyone is genuinely happy.

Aidan finds the street signage points him towards the main entrance to the Korranberg library.


… Aidan follows the signs easily.

[PERCEPTION 21] 21 Aidan may identify the fact that he is being followed – the figure is keeping to alley ways and the shadows of overhanging balconies. Aidan is aware of this and chooses not to draw attention to himself and avoids the person following him.

[SPELLCRAFT] 31 Aidan may also identify the fact that he is being observed by divination (scrying).

… He suspect that the scrying spell followed him since he left the air ship.

Korranberg Library in Zilargo

Aidan arrives at the library entrance. He enters through massive double doors (40' high) open inward silently he approaches. Inside is a massive hall, lined with reading desks and there is sign in the entranceway that directs visitors to a side room.

He follows it and enters a visitor processing room. The first thing he see is a small stand containing folded literature and sign above that reads “take one”.

He discovers it is an abbreviated form of literature the gnomes call a brochure:

A summary of the Library:

The Libra ry or Korra nbc rg: The library and its related bUildings dominate a full quarter or t he City. In addition 10 the aClual repository of 10re- a heaV ily SCCII red edifice whose vaults extend deep beneath the ground- the librOiry is an institUle oriearnillg thai attracts students from across Khorvalre. Eight colleges each have their own spec ialty: Au reoll's I-lolt (law and oratory), Hali nor's I-lorn (natural scicnces). Blackd ragoll (alchemy). Drystone (engincering).
Lyrris (art and litermllre), Morridan (mathematiCS). Soladas (h istory). and the T:lbcrnacle (religion and philosophy). The colleges h:l\'e all intcnse riva lry, which gives rise to academic. ath letic, and arcane competitions. Every citizen of the city is requ ired to devote fou r ycars of service to the libra ry in exchange lor free educat ion. The Library ofKorranberg is a great repository of knowledge. and pes might seek 'ldvice from its sages or aHempt to borrow (or stea l) rare tomes. The libfilry also funds expeditions to excavate ruins and explore strange la nds, and it can become a valuable patron for a low·le'·cl party.

Aidan reads the brochure.

An usher moves in your direction from behind a large counter at which a scribe sits. Rather excitedly the small gnome says “Hello! You appear to be new in these parts. I love your robe. It matches your eyes wonderfully! What brings you to the library today?”

“Oh we are just visiting the city and I thought while I am here I have to visit the library.”

“Very wise. Very wise and what is your primary interest. What subject appeals the most to you? Mathematics? History?”

“Yes … history.”

“A pity,” the gnome says wistfully. “History can be soooo boring. I prefer mathematics. Far more practical in today's world. Especially when dealing with money.”

“Indeed. Very fitting.”

“Right then … come, follow me, I will assign you to a guide from Soldanus univeristy.”

The usher introduces Aidan to a red robed gnome who appears to have some form of nervous twitch and he limps slightly. Middle-aged for a gnome. “This is Matax,” the usher says. And you good sir … your name is ...”

“Aidan, nice to meet you.”

A gnome named “Matax” from the Soladas (History) college will be assigned to Aidan as his guide. Despite his unfortunate mannerisms and appearance . Matax is an optimist about everything and dresses in bright gaudy, flambouyant colours (yellow, orange, lime green with a red cloak). He is very excitable and interested in what Aidan describes.

He shakes your hand enthusaiastically and says “Very pleased to make your fine acquanitance. Where you from from? Have you travelled far?”

“I am from Gideon.”

“What is your profession? What do you do?”

“I am primarily an arcane archivist and a lore master.”

His eyes widen at this revelation and he looks genuinely pleased. “Ohhhh …. that is simply marvellous,” Matax gushes. “We haven't had many scholarly types visit us from Gideon City for quite some time. It seems a lot of their research grants and requests for information are being declined these days by the The Thirteen. “

Aidan frowns at this news. “I am surprised to hear that.”

“Oh really … ? It has become quite common knowledge. If you are a registered student or researcher in any of the main institutions of that fine city, there has been a tight control enforced over all new applications to study history or indeed any other subjects that might point along along those paths. It does seem odd to me, that people so learned and powerful as The Thirteen would seek to limit knowledge in a place that has been built on it.”

“I would agree and I find what you have told me disconcerting. I learnt my lore and knowledge from a Master who ran the library at Zanarkand. And he now is a part of your establishment in Gideon.”

“Oh … Master Brevax! Yes, indeed, we know him well. You are a student of his?”

“I worked in the library with him.”

“Before the Darkness arrived?”


“Yes … the Darkness changed everything. It was said that it came to pass not only because of prophecy but also because the mages of Zanarkand were evil. We knew from first hand experience that they did not like our kind, or indeed any of the non-human races. Such a sad turn of events to see beuatiful Zanarkand sundered and lost to history. Even now we struggle to comprehend what truly happened. Pewrhaps one day we will be able to document the accounts from first hand survivors. What part did you play in Zanarkand, during the darkest hours?”

“One, that when documented, may surprise you.”

“Oh I do look forward to that story. Now on to immediate business … are there any subjects that are of particular interest to you in your visit here?”

[list][*]here for a few hours
The Zephyr Breeze arrives and weighs anchor at an air ship port facility on the outskirts of Korranberg in Zilargo.

The Approach

The approach to Zilargo is smooth and Ahlissa remarks “Zilargo is regarded by many as a paradise, the most peaceful city in all of Khorvaire. It is a fact that its people have little tolerance for violence or unrest. We do not want to raise our profile while we visit here,” she warns. “Few visitors to Zilargo realise there is a secret police force operating in this city and that it can administer strict justice without impunity or fear or reprisal. We know them as The Trust. They employ many spies and assassins. Their primary concern is any matter that will affect the peace, stablity and security of the nation. Any perceived threat is stamped out.”

“The average citizen of Zilargo is largely unaware of the Trust's activities.”


The arrival of the Zephyr Breeze is noticed by spies who work for Mhorvaeus' network. These agents ensure that the master is informed of the airship's location and await further instructions.

It is also noticed by The Trust who pay close attention to Ahlissa's airship because it is known to associate with a variety of groups, some of which The Trust regards as destablising influences within Khorvaire. They conduct an external analysis of the airship using Divination magic, but detect that not everything has been revealed to them. On this basis the officials post a watch to keep an eye on activities around the Zephyr Breeze.

“Commander,” one of the crew informs. “We have detected powerful divination magic being employed against us. We are being scried and examined by the Zil port authorities.”

Unconcerned, Ahlissa casually remarks “Then lower all primary anti-divination defences. Allow them to see our legal cargo and personnel. Keep the dragonshard and revered representative compartments shielded. Inform all personnel to remain vigilant. If we are boarded for visual inspection, ensure that the illusions are maintained to keep sensitive areas off limits to inspectors.”

“Yes, Commander.”

Ahlissa looks to Aidan and says “The Zephyr Breeze is widely recognised and the Zil – the people of Zilargo – take many precautions to ensure their peace and tranquility is not disrupted. They are aware of some of my afilliations and have taken some interest in who I have associated with. While they think they know me, they do not know everything and that probably troubles them. As you can see, I give them something to satisfy their scrying but do not give them a complete picture. Our time here will be brief. I have some private errands to run and you may go ashore if you wish. As a scholar I imagine the famous library might intrigue you. It is hard to miss as the institution consumes a quarter of this city.”

… Aidan looks surprised. “I'll go and visit the library. I'll see if Jillian wants to go as well.”

Jillian hears Aidan knock on the door politely. She opens it “Oh, hello Aidan. You look like you're going somewhere.”

“I thought I;d visit the library. Do you want to join me?”

“That's very kind of you to offer but I'll stay on board for the time being. I have heard the authorities here scrutinise everyone. Iven my lineage I will remain out of sight. Even though I can conceal my identity I would rather maintain the appearance of a crew member.”

Aidan nods graciously. He dresses as a scholar, in Xanthar's robe and leaves for shore.

Ahlissa sees him going and calls out. “I will see you in a few hours. We depart at dusk.”

The Streets of Zilargo

After leaving the port, Aidan finds himself in a maze-like network of streets and alleyways and one of the first things that strikes him is that the population is very diverse. He sees that gnomes and dwarves are the majority, although there are also many humans, kobolds and other humanoids races here. Everyone seems happy.

[PERCEPTION 20] 27 Aidan recognises the robes, symbols and mannerisms of several humanoids who belong to the Kech Volaar (Word Bearers), keepers of the ancient knowledge and secrets of the ancient Dhakaani Empire amongst the crowd. Members of their group had previously crossed the Blade Desert on a pilgrimage to Zanarkand, where they established a small outpost that raised the ire of Zanarkand's xenophobic mage authorities at the time. Aidan also recalls he had an encounter in Zanarkand's museum/library one night when one of the Kech Volaar kobold sorcerors was attempting to steal an item from a display cabinet.


The cobble-stoned streets are narrow and houses are multi-storeyed with many small proprietry and family-owned shops lining them. Jewellers, alchemy practicTioners, herbalists, researchers, scribes, map makers, jewellers, antique traders, inventors, artificers, etc can be found here.

The crowds are calm and at intervals throughout the city are small quadrangles where colourful street performances are held freely in public. There is a definite buzz in the air. There is no malice. Everyone is genuinely happy.

Aidan finds the street signage points him towards the main entrance to the Korranberg library.


… Aidan follows the signs easily.

[PERCEPTION 21] 21 Aidan may identify the fact that he is being followed – the figure is keeping to alley ways and the shadows of overhanging balconies. Aidan is aware of this and chooses not to draw attention to himself and avoids the person following him.

[SPELLCRAFT] 31 Aidan may also identify the fact that he is being observed by divination (scrying).

… He suspect that the scrying spell followed him since he left the air ship.

Korranberg Library in Zilargo

Aidan arrives at the library entrance. He enters through massive double doors (40' high) open inward silently he approaches. Inside is a massive hall, lined with reading desks and there is sign in the entranceway that directs visitors to a side room.

He follows it and enters a visitor processing room. The first thing he see is a small stand containing folded literature and sign above that reads “take one”.

He discovers it is an abbreviated form of literature the gnomes call a brochure:

A summary of the Library:

The Libra ry or Korra nbc rg: The library and its related bUildings dominate a full quarter or t he City. In addition 10 the aClual repository of 10re- a heaV ily SCCII red edifice whose vaults extend deep beneath the ground- the librOiry is an institUle oriearnillg thai attracts students from across Khorvalre. Eight colleges each have their own spec ialty: Au reoll's I-lolt (law and oratory), Hali nor's I-lorn (natural scicnces). Blackd ragoll (alchemy). Drystone (engincering).
Lyrris (art and litermllre), Morridan (mathematiCS). Soladas (h istory). and the T:lbcrnacle (religion and philosophy). The colleges h:l\'e all intcnse riva lry, which gives rise to academic. ath letic, and arcane competitions. Every citizen of the city is requ ired to devote fou r ycars of service to the libra ry in exchange lor free educat ion. The Library ofKorranberg is a great repository of knowledge. and pes might seek 'ldvice from its sages or aHempt to borrow (or stea l) rare tomes. The libfilry also funds expeditions to excavate ruins and explore strange la nds, and it can become a valuable patron for a low·le'·cl party.

Aidan reads the brochure.

An usher moves in your direction from behind a large counter at which a scribe sits. Rather excitedly the small gnome says “Hello! You appear to be new in these parts. I love your robe. It matches your eyes wonderfully! What brings you to the library today?”

“Oh we are just visiting the city and I thought while I am here I have to visit the library.”

“Very wise. Very wise and what is your primary interest. What subject appeals the most to you? Mathematics? History?”

“Yes … history.”

“A pity,” the gnome says wistfully. “History can be soooo boring. I prefer mathematics. Far more practical in today's world. Especially when dealing with money.”

“Indeed. Very fitting.”

“Right then … come, follow me, I will assign you to a guide from Soldanus univeristy.”

The usher introduces Aidan to a red robed gnome who appears to have some form of nervous twitch and he limps slightly. Middle-aged for a gnome. “This is Matax,” the usher says. And you good sir … your name is ...”

“Aidan, nice to meet you.”

A gnome named “Matax” from the Soladas (History) college will be assigned to Aidan as his guide. Despite his unfortunate mannerisms and appearance . Matax is an optimist about everything and dresses in bright gaudy, flambouyant colours (yellow, orange, lime green with a red cloak). He is very excitable and interested in what Aidan describes.

He shakes your hand enthusaiastically and says “Very pleased to make your fine acquanitance. Where you from from? Have you travelled far?”

“I am from Gideon.”

“What is your profession? What do you do?”

“I am primarily an arcane archivist and a lore master.”

His eyes widen at this revelation and he looks genuinely pleased. “Ohhhh …. that is simply marvellous,” Matax gushes. “We haven't had many scholarly types visit us from Gideon City for quite some time. It seems a lot of their research grants and requests for information are being declined these days by the The Thirteen. “

Aidan frowns at this news. “I am surprised to hear that.”

“Oh really … ? It has become quite common knowledge. If you are a registered student or researcher in any of the main institutions of that fine city, there has been a tight control enforced over all new applications to study history or indeed any other subjects that might point along along those paths. It does seem odd to me, that people so learned and powerful as The Thirteen would seek to limit knowledge in a place that has been built on it.”

“I would agree and I find what you have told me disconcerting. I learnt my lore and knowledge from a Master who ran the library at Zanarkand. And he now is a part of your establishment in Gideon.”

“Oh … Master Brevax! Yes, indeed, we know him well. You are a student of his?”

“I worked in the library with him.”

“Before the Darkness arrived?”


“Yes … the Darkness changed everything. It was said that it came to pass not only because of prophecy but also because the mages of Zanarkand were evil. We knew from first hand experience that they did not like our kind, or indeed any of the non-human races. Such a sad turn of events to see beuatiful Zanarkand sundered and lost to history. Even now we struggle to comprehend what truly happened. Pewrhaps one day we will be able to document the accounts from first hand survivors. What part did you play in Zanarkand, during the darkest hours?”

“One, that when documented, may surprise you.”

“Oh I do look forward to that story. Now on to immediate business … are there any subjects that are of particular interest to you in your visit here?”

  • here for a few hours
  • come to see various catalogues for generalisations of history
    in the future I could perhaps spend some considerable time here to advance my own knowledge
    in return I could write my account of Zanarkand and hand it to you

“Generalisations? Nothing more specific? Perhaps there is an item or items that you seek? Perhaps there are places you intend to travel to? Where could try cross-referencing such things? How long do you have?”

“Oh … sorry … about three hours … I originally came her to have a look at this magnificent library. If I could find things to research later then I could do so and return to study them more closely at a later time.”

“Very well … let us inspect the catalogues!” Matax takes Aidan through a sequence of doors that open in various ways, all silently. The doors form intricate geometric patterns that slide apart and reassemble after they have passed through.

They descend 100' feet in an antique metal elevator. Matax then directs Aidan along several narrow corridors and down a metal spiral stirway. Eventually they reach a small stone doorway (5' high). Matax opens it and reveals a wide long rrom beyond, containing catalogue cabinets that reach from floor to ceiling which is 60' high. There are large ladders on wheeled bases that can be used to access the various levels of the catalogue trays. “I can assist you for expediency,” Matax explains. “What general history category might you like to study?”

“I am very very interested in the Valenar,” Aidan explains.

“OK then … here we go. Climb this ladder.” Matax scrambles up to it top platform and waits for Aidan to join him. He then speaks a command word and the ladder propels itself down the main aisle and then sharply corners into another and proceeds to the end of that aisle before stopping abruptly. It then elevates to a height of 40' and Matax reaches forward to open a wooden drawer that is inscribed in elvish. READ LANGUAGES / DECIPHER SCRIPT 28 – the language is definitely elvish, an early form and of the Valenar dialect which Aidan has become more familiar with. The contents of the drawer are numerous … there are many mainstream accounts of the accepted version of the origins of the Valenar after the Age of the Giants, how they claimed the land in South East Khorvaire and mounted a brutal campaign of slaughter against the disorganised hobgoblins of the time. There is no reference to Progenitors in association with the Valenar. There are some references to the Valenar keeping a respectful distance from a location named the Star Haunt, which they accepted was older than them and possibly contaminated by evil spirits. “Hmmm that's very interesting.” Aidan notes. There are also references to the rivallry between the Valenar and their homeland counterparts Aerenal as the Valenar adopted a new form of ancestor worship rather than revering the deathless ones. One book in particular is referenced a few times … “The Schism by Athovar”.

[INT 17] Aidan recalls that the name of the revered representative on board the Zephyr Breeze is Athovar.

“If I were to request a copy of this particular book here, how much would it cost me?”

“Hmmm … fascinating … it looks to be a rare volume. Specially procured. Lets see … I could place a request and a scribe could begin copying the text. Might take perhaps a month … cost will be determined then. Requests are free. Ball park figure … maybe 1,000 gold sovereigns. Payment plans can be discussed at time of collection. After all we gnomes are also renowned for our fine lending institutions.”

“Perhaps writing of my experiences in Zanarkand may aid in the payment?”

“Indeed. That would be of great value to us. Bring us some samples of your memoirs when you next visit us and we can take such offerings into consideration.”

Aidan takes out the book that was known as Blue and shows.

“This is good source material - most intriguing – a first hand account such as this is definitely of high value and hard to come by ordinarily. I will make the request and we will assign a personal scribe to capture your story when you return. The copy will take at least a month, so come back to us when you are ready.”

“Now he says are there any more subjects you might like to consider?”

“Yes, but time is running out... I will be more organised when I return, I promise. But what I have seen interests me greatly and your institution is remarkable.”

Matax puffs himself up with personal pride and thanks Aidan profusely. He hands his business card to Aidan and says, “Ask for personally when you next return.”

“Indeed I shall, thank you.”

Matax returns Aidan to the main library entrance foyer and then Aidan departs for the Zephyr Breeze.

Back on the Streets of Korranberg

Aidan leaves the main entrance of the library and immediately finds himself confronted by a gaudily dressed gnome who identifies himself as “Wrangler”, a reporter who works for the Korranberg Chronicle which is a highly regarded publication across all of Khorvaire!

“Good day to you, Aidan! What brings you to Korranberg? Business, adventure, research? What have you uncovered? Have you borrowed anything? Purchased something? Are you hiding something? How did you survive the clutches of Izendraazt? People say you were there when he appeared? Did you witness the fall of Zanarkand? What was it like? Were you scared? Do you consider yourself to be a hero? Where do you live these days? What do you do for a living? Is it true that you are working with Ahlissa? Did you travel here with her on the Zephyr Breeze?”

The gnome is midly annoying. He is persistant and won't shut up.

… “How do you know my name?”

“Oh we are everywhere. We have our ways of knowing everyone and learning what we can about them. We kbnow you. We have eye witness accounts of your dancing at the Liberty Spire in Gideon City with the rather alluring companion of that night, the fine Lady Ahlissa, Captain and Adventuress of the Zephyr Breeze. Are you both an item? Do you plan marriage? Or was it simply a fling, scandal. We have a tabloid edition you know ...”

“Good for you, but I can assure you we are not an item. She is happily engaged to ...”

“Engaged? This is spectaucular news! How does that you make you feel? Used? Unwanted?”

“No … I am very happy for her.”

“Really? You mean we can't … you know … pay you to at least look a little upset about it? Tears sell stories you know.”

“No I am sorry to disaapoint you there. But I am indeed intending to write about my experiences in Zanarkand and have met a fine scholar inside who will accept it.”

“Exclusive!” the annoying gnome exclaims. “Aidan vows tell all in Fall of Zanarkand memoirs … we'll be in touch when your book comes out. Maybe you'll provide some excerpts?”

“Perhaps ...” Aidan heads back to the Zephyr Breeze.

Kidnapping attempt


Navigating through the streets again, Aidan finds the original path he took (and remembers) is blocked by a procession of entertainers. To avoid them he must return to the air ship a different way.

Aidan asks for directions as he goes. Some goblins direct you “ahh that way.”

He follows some unfamiliar streets and then in the middle of an alley way the wall of the building beside him suddenly 'melts away' and two very strong individuals attempt to grapple him.


“Be quiet,” a gruff voice command. “Don't struggle.”


Aidan finds he has a hood pulled over his head and he is dragged somewhere else roughly. The hood is removed and he finds himself inside what appears to be a small wine cellar on a chair (tied).

Two masked men confront him, both speak with a strong accent which Aidan thinks might be from Karnath. [INT 16] If this is the case, then these men could be agents working for Mhorvaeus.

ONE OF THEM ADVANCES AND SAYS “we're going to have a little chat ..."

Posts : 112
Join date : 2008-04-04


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