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Episode 1.10 Coincidences in time

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Episode 1.10 Coincidences in time Empty Episode 1.10 Coincidences in time

Post  vampyre Tue May 17, 2011 7:03 am

Ryan sipped his beer looking at the computer screen. "Here is what I have in a nutshell…there are I think 8 secret societies at AU and none of them are required to disclose membership details...that has been the presiding rule for over a century. Like Freemasonry these societies are classified as such so long as they do not advocate any religious or political beliefs. If they do, the society loses its status shall we say...but that does not prevent them of course from doing just such advocacy behind the scenes. The Silver Skulls has about 70 members and is politically neutral but sure anti the House of Lorraine and hints as such in their communiqués. The Scroll and Key I think have 50 members and are neutral in both areas but very open when it comes to philosophical beliefs which they lecture quite often at the Student Faculty Centre. The others are, Hermetic Society of Thoth; The Alexandrian Society who is strongly allied to the Scroll and Key; The Philadelphians; Society of Lazarus; The Society of Science and The Aphrodite Society. Those are the ones that I know of...some of them are quite open about their philosophies and have websites and publicly recruit so some of them have considerable membership or support within the campus. Only the Silver Skulls and Scroll and Key have no website and it is their secrecy that seems to appeal. The Silver Skulls are considered the society to join to well...get into the world of the rich and famous and also the world of business and high finance. The Scroll and Key, draws those who love history, philosophy and the likes...book worms they are also known as. But that I feel is their public face, like the Silver Skulls. The Scroll and Key have affiliations with a number of community libraries but outside that...not much else influence wise. The Silver Skulls however, goodness knows what influence they have...I have learned of 18 properties outside campus they own, for their own purposes and also have their own desk in the stock exchange and do trade I believe. I can only guess, but given the possible membership...the talk of these guys would be money, power and influence."
"So why is the Scroll and Key their...competitors?" Gabriel asked.
Ryan smiled and nodded. "Jacob is partly right, history and the patronage thing favours the Silver Skulls. The Chancellor and his two children are members of the society. But I think something happened in the past, still trying to figure that one out, going through university yearly records and such...but something happened that set these two against each other."
"So, do we have list of possible members of the Silver Skulls?"
"Yes, given who are members of the fraternity...and that the society is based within that fraternity." Ryan answered. “The fraternity is now spread over 4 residences and 223 of the 240 rooms are allocated according to the faculty administration. Of those, 118 are named and the rest have not. Privilege of influence and wealth...but of course they show themselves for what they are eventually and added to the list."
"But none mention membership of the society....considering the annual capping." Gabriel says quietly. "How can that be...a collective memory loss caused by the demon perhaps. Thinking back...I do not know who was capped last year."
"Hmm...nor do I, but I was not there to see the fanfare, bores the heck out of me." Ryan returned. "Of course you don't see a list posted anywhere either, but surely the well, parties that follow in E Street to celebrate the capping...people remember them."
Gabriel nodded. "Sure, I do. Got totally wasted at a couple of them, but don't ask me who was the toast of the party...don't remember at all."
"You must have got wasted."
Gabriel grins remembering back. "Perhaps I did...but still...not to remember who was capped. Yet it is still a big thing...the mystery of it is one thing that appeals I think. Then there is the chance to well, get into the world of politics, business and high finance. It is a small but growing cliché and in no small part the Silver Skulls are contributing to their numbers."


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Episode 1.10 Coincidences in time Empty Episode 1.10 Prologue

Post  vampyre Tue May 17, 2011 7:11 am

The wind whistled through the trees as Jennifer approached 128 Bletchley Park Drive. Earlier in the day the Slayer had received a call from Ryan that this address was one of a number used by the Silver Skulls...to entertain. The address was familiar in fact rather coincidental. For Jennifer was here to see Shikarzu, invited by her to 130 Bletchley Park Drive where within a compound environment she resided with her minder. This was more than a coincidence and Ryan was the first to say so. "This is not the only property they have that is close to the vicinity of likeminded citizens. There one at 15 Barent's Drive is next door to the Chancellor of the University...and guess what, he, his son and daughter are members of the Scroll and Key."

Shikarzu had sought her out during the day...Jennifer still considering how to approach her on what she has learned 3 days ago. Her minder ever present, they chatted for a while, the centre of attention to everyone that passed them by in the corridor. And the invitation soon followed as they walked through the gardens outside the lecture hall they had been in...to meet this evening for "a chat over wine...something girls in the west like to do." She said musingly. Jennifer found herself accepting without thought...thinking afterwards a chance perhaps, but it would be on Shikarzu's home turf and that was her only concern.

Nearby was Gabriel who had placed a receiver near to the Skulls residence...to monitor any cell phone or computer traffic. Connected to one of Ryan's scanners it worked automatically, so once positioned and operating, Gabriel said he would be around if needed and returned to the SUV that both he and Ryan had brought recently. Indeed driving by slowly she could see a number of cars parked outside 128...flash expensive cars at that and then she saw the large tall stone wall that marked the boundary between 128/130, the wall topped by sharp steel spikes. The wall followed the sidewalk and the driveway was shielded by a black iron fence through which she could seen gardens illuminated by soft blue light and a building beyond, certainly Japanese in design and style.

Well this is it...she pulls to a stop and just as she is about to use the speaker phone, the gates open silently and small lights flicker into life illuminating the driveway that curved round the gardens to the residence. Here goes.


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Episode 1.10 Coincidences in time Empty Episode 1.10 act 1

Post  vampyre Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:00 am

Episode 1.10 act 1

Jennifer parked before the house beside two black limousines and stepping out smelled sweet incense fragrance. Beside the driveway cherry trees were illuminated by soft blue and white lighting. The house is large and extends further around the trees. She climbed the wooden steps and the door opened revealing two female servants dressed in blue kimonos...Jennifer recognising the ornate embroidered garments from TV shows and documentaries. They both smiled and bowed and ushered Jennifer inside where Shikarzu was waiting wearing a green evening gown that glittered in the light. "Jennifer wonderful to see you and welcome. This is my home for the net 4 years while I am staying in your country and you are my first guest I have invited here."

Shikazru ushers Jennifer into a lounge room, warm and opulently furnished, lit by red and white lanterns and they sit on a comfortable black leather sofa, before which is a glass table on which was a number of small ceramic dishes containing food...rice, sauces, a variety of steaming hot meats, sushi, salads and vegetables. There is also a bottle of champagne and the two servants pour glasses silently as Shikarzu explained each of the dishes, pointing at them with her chopsticks while the two servants poured wine and Jennifer found herself trying them using a fork that was provided and found it delicious. Both partake in the dishes ending with the Sushi and Jennifer remarks during the meal how exotic the surroundings are. “They are much fancier than what I am use too.”
Shikazru smiles brightly and motions Jennifer to enjoy cream cakes that were now been served.
Jennifer remarks on her dress and whether she made that and Shikarzu said it was made for her before she came to New Providence. “It is common to wear such of an evening or when entertaining guests.”


Shikarzu smiles. “Thank you Jennifer. I have brought some things from home with me. It is important to be in touch with your own culture when away from it.”
“Is this the first time you have been away from your homeland?”
“Yes it is. My father was very surprised to be given this honour by the Emperor himself.”
“And your emperor is like our President…the head of our country?”
“No we have a Prime Minister…the emperor is the ruling monarch, of the Crysandthium throne and it has existed for many generations.”
“How many servants do you have?”
“I have four who attend to me along with household staff and a number of…security guards.”


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Join date : 2008-04-05

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Episode 1.10 Coincidences in time Empty Episode 1.10 act 2

Post  vampyre Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:03 am

Episode 1.10 act 2

Outside Gabriel was braving the weather, a cool wind blowing in from the north and he observed the Japanese residence as well as the party goers next door...lights flashing to the music behind the curtains and a number were outside laughing, drinking...and smoking joints, Gabriel caught a whiff of the smell earlier.

And amidst the darkness of the trees behind the wall, two were watching him, dressed in matt black latex jumpsuits, faces covered by cat like black masks, green eyes observing him from the branches. They knew of the vehicle now the driver...that done, they just watched him while another two watched the party goers next door.

His cellphone beeped and answering it heard Ryan's voice. "Hey got another 4 tagged...they are so into playing this Investment game at the moment I hope to have them all tagged in an hour or so. Where are you at the moment."
"Outside having a look around. Can't help feeling I am not the only one."
"Ah the watcher been watched huh, just like the movies." Ryan returned.
"Perhaps, but it could be the Skulls party, they are making quite a racket. And there is a few of them outside..."
"Should have stayed in the car...out of sight, out of mind."
"Perhaps should have at that." Gabriel nodded making his way back to the car. He was been watched...by who and where from?

Even Jennifer could hear the music from next door...not loud but annoying. "Rowdy neighbours." She remarked casually.
Shikarzu nodded running a hand through her long flowing dark hair. "How do you say it...spoiled rich boys having fun. I think they are a club...a society at university, I have seen some of them at the university. They are into drugs and openly so, making me wonder how they can get away with their behaviour.”

On the walls of the lounge are mounted a number of beautiful landscape paintings but one differs from the others. It is a night scene, a starlit background and it portrays an armoured warrior sitting before a camp fire. Jennifer remembers seeing such in films…a samurai. The fire illuminates the lone warrior and his facial features, though oriental…remind Jennifer of the gunslinger.
Jennifer casually remarks how nice the paintings and says “I see that one is different…is doesn’t quite fit with the others.”
Shikarzu replies. “Oh but they do Jennifer. The other paintings are where the warrior has travelled in the past, they are all scenes from where ancients battles took place in our history. Though of course the landscapes have changed and hidden the remains of the battles over time.”



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Join date : 2008-04-05

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Episode 1.10 Coincidences in time Empty Episode 1.10 act 3

Post  vampyre Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:01 am

Episode 1.10 act 3

Jennifer relaxes and enjoys Shikarzu’s company for the evening. They talk about many things and Jennifer finds herself feeling very comfortable in Shikarzu’s company.

Leaving early in the morning she drives back to the university but as crossing the causeway a number of birds approach her and one hits her windscreen. Distressed, she steps out and looks for the bird on the causeway behind her, in hope of assisting the injured bird. It is the early hours of the morning and Jennifer is the only person on the causeway . She sees splatters of blood on the roof of the car and feathers on the side of the vehicle but no sign of the bird. She looks under the car…nothing. Shaken she returns to the car and continues on her way hoping that insurance will pay for the damage. .

The following day Jennifer meets with the professor and says. “Oh Professor, do you remember the young lady named Shikarzu, the foreign exchange student that recently joined the faculty.”
The Professor nods. “I have suspected she is a vampire…but different from those we usually encounter. That is because of her origins I believe. There is little knowledge of eastern vampires…Asiatic in the library.”
Jennifer confides that she has learned a few things about Shikarzu. “We were discussing heroic figures and our conversation turned towards a famous Japanese warrior, named Ryko and I told Shikarzu I was afraid of monsters and then she told me she follows the path of Ryko and fights monsters. That she seeks to destroy them, to prevent them causing harm to others later. I told her that I liked to fight monsters too and she asked directly whether I was the Slayer. I admitted I was, she had already guessed. She then revealed her age, she will be 617 very soon, and she confessed she is part vampire. We seemed to have something in common and it seems we could actually fight together. She is very skilled in martial arts. Shikarzu also informed me that she has known of six Slayers in Japan, although she does not know their names. She informed me that the most recent of those died 52 years ago.”
“Yes, her name was Myiakosa.” The professor says quietly stunned by what Jennifer was confiding in him.
“She talks of her true parents living beyond the veil and sees them on occasion…” Jennifer continued.
“Yes…yes, I have heard of such before.” The professor interrupts. “Japanese mythology is based on their heroes and deities living in a mirrored world that touches ours…through a veil. Both are dependent on each other and mostly equally so, though on occasion where great deeds are done the balance between both worlds favour the physical or the spiritual and it is through the veil that such deeds are accomplished. The Japanese have a rich mythology…but as I said, vampires are not written of…what you have said may interest some of my colleagues. What else did she speak of this?”
“She told me she has inherited the powers of her father, whose people live in the veil and that her mother was human, but she became afflicted when Shikarzu’s father from the veil was succumbed to her beauty. She visits her parents and will do so in five days time and does so by meditating. Shikarzu tells me that not everything beyond the veil is evil that there are places of beauty there too. And that is where her true father comes from.”
“Just like there are places of beauty on this world, one mirrors the other.” The Professor says. “Imagine perhaps a Shangri-La in the veil…one must exist here somewhere in our world for such to exist in the spiritual world. I have never heard any reference in mythology of one that can travel between both worlds without the aid of a power from either world. This is fascinating, Jennifer. What else did she say?”
“Not much more than that…other than she follows the path of Ryko and she did seem to know the legend of the Slayers.”
“Yes, she told you of hearing of 6 in her land.” The professor answers. “This can be verified by the council and I may have those records in the vault.” Jennifer knows of the vault but has never seen it. “It is a risk to trust her given what she is…vampires seldom put on a benevolent face unless it is for manipulative purposes…I hope that is what she was not doing to you, to gain your true identity and purpose for in respect, she has learned so by your admission.”
“Yes, I was suspicious of that…but she had already suspected and was pretty direct and I believe had she wanted to cause me harm she could have done so already.”
“Hmm…why did she suspect you? Do you know?”
“Not really, I suppose it is possible she has been watching or she simply has very powerful abilities to see the truth. After all when she first arrived on campus she had a spell cast over everyone, except me….I suppose I stood out from the crowd.”
“Are you sure she did not affect you for it is undoubtedly her exotic beauty is what has entranced everyone here, no matter the gender or age.” The professor remarks.
“Yes I am positive.”
He nods. “Then what now?”
“We will be friends. I don’t see us patrolling together in the future if that is what you are asking.”
“Of course not.” He says quietly. “I will keep you appraised on anything I learn...we have a number of new vampires in the city having travelled by ship from the Canadian Federation and BAMA…and I have no idea on how they will celebrate this”


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Episode 1.10 Coincidences in time Empty Episode 1.10 act 4

Post  vampyre Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:05 am

Episode 1.10 act 4

At lunchtime Jennifer meets with Gabriel, Tanya, Jacob and Scooby for lunch at Carousel Park in AU campus. During the conversation Tanya asks where Jennifer and Gabriel were last night…hinting at something was going on between them perhaps.


“So she will be partying up with us then?” Jacob says smiling. “Hey that is cool…but pizza is far better than sushi, raw fish, just does not do it for me eh Scoob?”
The dog whines in support.
“After one evening you have determined she is a friend already…given there is a suspicion of what she could be?” Gabriel remarks. “Hell I spent the evening watching out, knowing all too well that Ninja types were watching me…I could sense them.”
“WOW NINJAS TOOO!!!!” Jacob exclaims.
“Oh don’t worry I know exactly what Shikarzu is as she has told me. And she knows what I am too. She is on our side.”
Gabriel looks surprised. “And you took her at her word…how did she know what you were?”
“She had heard stories and I described some things I had seen recently and Shikarzu asked whether I was the Slayer and I said I was, after asking some questions of her myself.”
Gabriel looks at Jennifer for a moment. “Do you really trust her…and just what is she…a vampire as we thought?”
“She has inherited vampiric abilities is my take on it. She is part vampire. One of her parents I think her mother was human.”
“Half vampire.” Tanya remarks. “Do we know if such exists here.”
“Oh well, we will just say she is a vampire. But she is different somehow. She does not like her kind.”
“Is that is why she has decided to side with you?” Gabriel asks. “Why does she hate her own kind as you put it.”
I think she considers them to be the monsters.”
“Hey I can relate to that.” Jacob agrees.
“She told me she seeks to destroy them when she can.” Jennifer says.
“Well sounds like we have a part vampire in our fold their scoob?” Jacob remarks.
“So half vampire she is…that would explain her ability to walk in daylight.” Gabriel says.
“It would seem as much.”
“OK say what now?” Gabriel asks.
“Well I like to think if she approaches us, I would like to think you would be civil and not let on that you know what she is. And that we accept what she can offer…she may give us some good leads.”
“Alright but for the moment just keep our sanctuary our secret. It is a safe haven and we should keep it that way.”


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